This Setting is Introduced in version 4.6.2
550 argument is not a valid user The argument cannot be found 553 argument is not unique The argument resolves to a duplicate 252 Will forward for <argument> 252 Will forward for <argument@firstdomainsuffix> The argument resolves to a Person document with a forward address: 252 Will forward for <argument> The argument is an SMTP address but not resolvable 250 <argument> The argument is resolvable and is an SMTP address: 250 <argument@firstdomainsuffix> The argument is resolvable and is not a complete SMTP address 550 argument is a group not a user The argument is resolved to a local group 550 argument is not a valid user The argument is resolved to a local mail-in database Some examples. VRFY John 250 <John@firstdomainsuffix> VRFY Doe 250 <Doe@firstdomainsuffix> VRFY John_Doe 250 <John_Doe@firstdomainsuffix> VRFY John_Doe@validsuffix 250 <John_Doe@valid suffix> VRFY John_Doe%otherdomain 252 Cannot VRFY <John_Doe%otherdomain@firstdomainsuffix> (but will accept message & attempt delivery) VRFY Otheruser@othersmtpdomain 252 Cannot VRFY <Otheruser@othersmtpdomain> (but will accept message & attempt delivery) VRFY MPC@somedomain 250 <MPC@somedomain> (where MPC@somedomain is found in $Users as an Internet Shortname) 550 MPC is not a valid user (where MPC@somedomain is an Internet Shortname and MPC does not otherwise exist in the Public Address Book) VRFY ForwardedUser 252 Cannot VRFY ForwardedUser (but will accept message and attempt delivery) VRFY notuniqueuser 553 notuniquesuser is not a unique user VRFY Group 550 Group is a Group not a user