If the ini parameter "IM_No_Setup=1" is used, the IM configuration dialog box will NOT display during new client setup (or client upgrade).
In addition, if "IM_No_Setup=1", any IM variables in a scriptable client setup will be ignored.
Valid Values are:
1 - IM configuration dialog will NOT display during client setup or upgrade
0 - IM configuration dialog will display during client setup or upgrade
Fixed in 6.5.1 - SPR# RMAA5S3SLB -
With this fix it is possible to make the Instant Messaging server name optional for a scriptable install.
A new Notes.ini variable allows users to bypass the IM Configuration.
If the user wants to config IM, they can leave the Notes.ini variable out of their Notes.ini file or set it to 0 (IM_No_Setup=0)..