When this Notes.ini is being used, the initialization at server startup may take some additional time since the information in dbdirman.nsf is not current, and the server will properly handle this case by initializing the cache with information from the individual databases in the server's data directory.
Your Domino server crashes multiple times per week with the error "Panic 04:3C" and the following stack trace:
############################################################ ### FATAL THREAD 41/127 [ nSERVER:10dc: 2756] ### FP=0x07dafbd4, PC=0x6018f853, SP=0x07daf25c, stksize=2424 ### EAX=0x010d088c, EBX=0x00000000, ECX=0x00ba0000, EDX=0x00ba0000 ### ESI=0x07daf868, EDI=0x115f32e8, CS=0x0000001b, SS=0x00000023 ### DS=0x00000023, ES=0x00000023, FS=0x00000038, GS=0x00000000 Flags=0x00010202 Exception code: c0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) ############################################################ @[ 1] 0x6018f853 nnotes._Panic@4+483 (609e0016,115f32e8,0,115f3476) @[ 2] 0x60036592 nnotes._OSBBlockQueueRemove@12+50 (114f00c,115f331c,0,f49a0015) @[ 3] 0x60712f65 nnotes._DbDirManUpdateCacheDb@4+533 (5c,2b7c0001,80565e,4256fc3) @[ 4] 0x60713c73 nnotes._DbDirManRefreshCacheDbCheck@0+83 (0,1f4,61746144,65736162) @[ 5] 0x1000bb30 nserverl._ServerDbDirManRefreshTask@8+192 (f49a0015,56340001,3,6bafb10) @[ 6] 0x100016cb nserverl._Scheduler@4+763 (0,6bafb10,0,10ec3a4) @[ 7] 0x60115554 nnotes._ThreadWrapper@4+212 (0,10ec3a4,6bafb10,0) [ 8] 0x7c57b388 KERNEL32.lstrcmpiW+183
This issue has been reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# HAPE6AH248 and is under investigation.
Workaround: Adding the following line to the notes.ini prevented the server from crashing in Domino 6.5.1 and on 6.5.3 FP1:
Supporting Information:
The dbdirman cache is an in-memory table of every database on the server, along with some attributes that allow quick access to frequently needed information, such as the last modified time for data and design documents in the database. This cache is initialized at server startup by traversing the data directory for all existing databases, and it is updated as new databases are created and/or modified.
Because it can take some time to traverse the data directory to initialize the cache at server startup, a mechanism was added to save the cache information in a persistent database (dbdirman.nsf) so that the cache could be initialized more quickly during server startup. The in-memory information is written to this persistent cache once every 15 minutes during the life of the server, and also at server shutdown, to flush out any remaining updates so that the database is current for the next server startup.
While the in-memory cache is critical to the performance and correct operation of the Domino server, the persistent cache (dbdirman.nsf) is optional and not required for correct operation or run-time performance; it affects only how the cache is initialized during server startup.
Setting the Notes.ini DEBUG_DISABLE_UPDATE_CACHE_DB=1 will cause the server to avoid writing the in-memory cache entries to the persistent cache on disk. When this Notes.ini is being used, the initialization at server startup may take some additional time since the information in dbdirman.nsf is not current, and the server will properly handle this case by initializing the cache with information from the individual databases in the server's data directory.