Documents with Readers fields do not work as expected in the Domino Directory Catalog database. Although the fields may be present, unexpected users can still gain access to the documents. And in some cases in Notes/Domino 6.x, entries with a Reader Names field do not grant access as expected.
Setting this Variable to 1 Changes the way that documents with reader lists are accessible in the directory catalog, it also changes the way that the directory catalog tasks aggregates the directory.
When set to 1 the Dircat task aggregates documents that contain Readers lists. Users that are not in the Readers lists can nevertheless read these documents in the directory catalog.
This Variable was introduced in 5.0.8
Note: There is a regression in Notes/Domino 5.0.9 and 5.0.9a where the parameter works only the first time the directory is constructed. This issue was resolved in Notes/Domino 5.0.10.