There is no need to Restart the server after this command has been issued, and it becomes active immediately.
I'd also recommend removing this unless they are using it.
This enables this new command (with a few options:
CL COPY sourcedb targetdb [Options]
Valid values of the Options are
Empty -> aka no option used -> Creates a COPY of the sourcedatabase
REPLICA -> Creates a Full Replica of the Sourcedatabase
TEMPLATE -> Create a Template (as in design only) of the sourcedatabase
Examples for the CL COPY command:
> CL copy serverA!!db1.nsf serverB!!db2.nsf This would create a regular non-replica copy of db1.nsf on serverA as db2.nsf on ServerB
> CL copy serverA!!db1.nsf serverB!!db2.nsf REPLICA This would create a replica copy of db1.nsf on serverA as db2.nsf on ServerB
> CL copy serverA!!db1.nsf serverB!!db2.nsf TEMPLATE This would create a template copy (only design, no data) of db1.nsf on serverA as db2.nsf on ServerB
> CL copy db1.nsf db2.nsf This would create a regular non-replica copy of db1.nsf as db2.nsf on the same local server